This was my first RNC since 1992 which I attended as a guest. The 2012 version was very good. The delegate ahead of me loaned me his badge and I was on the floor both Wed. and Thurs. nights. I met Lt. Col. Allen West, got his picture and he autographed my copy of the Bill of Rights I had with me! I also got Rick Santorum and Rick Perry to autograph it at the Texas hotel. Apparently several people saw me on TV on Wed. night for a brief moment during an applause line or two. I was interviewed twice after the balloon drop on Thurs. by American Family Research (?) and a Florida TV station. I saw lots of “famous” (in their own mind) media types: Wolf Blitzer (CNN), Neil Cavuto (Fox), David Muir (ABC), Jan Crawford-Greenberg (CBS), Chuck Todd (NBC) to name a few.
Every morning at 0900 our Texas delegation had a meeting at the hotel ballroom to go over the day’s schedule. Speakers included: Kay Bailey Hutchinson, John Cornyn, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Attorney General Greg Abbott, George P. Bush (Jeb Bush’s son), and on Tuesday, Romney’s oldest son, Tagg. He’s in his early 40’s and told some good stories on his dad. Numerous Texas Congressional representatives and state legislators spoke to us as well.
The Texas Flag shirts on Tuesday and the cowboy hats were the hit of the Convention. Everyone was friendly to us and wanted to know how we did things in Texas. I almost convinced two North Carolina delegates to move to Texas when I told them CHL license holders could carry into the State Capitol without going through a magnetometer or being searched.
I went to graduate school with the current governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder. He was there, but left Wednesday morning so I missed him. I met former Kentucky Senator Jim Bunning and told him I had many of his baseball cards when he played in the Major Leagues. He laughed. I also met David Williams who is a state Senator from Kentucky and currently the president of the Senate in Frankfort, KY. He ran unsuccessfully for governor last year and got beat pretty badly (KY rarely elects a GOP governor, but they do vote GOP for President and Senators). My dad knew David and told me we were related. Well, I found him on Thursday and he remembered my dad. He even explained to me how we are related. We both have the same great grandfather.
Paul Ryan is the new face of the GOP, win or lose this election. I thought Condi Rice’s speech was statesmanship-like, Reagan-esque, best of the convention, with Ryan and Romney not far behind. I came away feeling that we have an excellent chance to make the current President a one-term wonder, if we all will get behind our ticket and work like we need to. We have a better team than in 2008 and the base of delegates in Tampa was absolutely energized and electric the two nights I was on the floor. I am glad I attended.
Mike Bow
Pct. Chair 4140
Fort Bend County GOP
I’m very glad that I had the opportunity to go the National Convention. I had never thought about attending, but with Bruce being chosen as an alternate delegate, I was happy to go as his guest. On the first evening, on the first bus ride into downtown Tampa, I was surprised at the number of law enforcement people that were present. Our ride into town began with an armed guard on the bus with us. We had a police escort much of the way there. We passed through a check point area where the underside of the bus was checked for bombs and the guard and driver had to show proper ID. Once off the bus we had to go through a security check much like at the airport. The closer we got to the convention, the more law enforcement we saw – 2 and 3 officers on every corner with automatic weapons and bullet proof vest. It was a little unnerving at times to think that this much security was thought necessary.
Inside the convention center, there was an energy and excitement all around. I was so proud to be a Texan. My favorite view was that of the Texan delegates on the floor. Their white hats set them apart from every other delegation. People stopped Texans to say how much they like Texas. Hearing the speeches live and clapping and standing with like-minded people is so much better than watching the speeches on television. I’ve watched the closing ceremonies on television several years, but it pales in comparison to being there and watching the balloons and confetti come down from high above. The patriotic music, being shoulder to shoulder with friends (some new) and looking at the future president and his family, is something I will never forget.
All the activities throughout the week while in Tampa, enhanced the experience for me. The Tampa Republicans hosted a party on Sunday night at the domed stadium and AT&T hosted a party on Monday night at a restaurant. There were delegate meetings every morning with Texas elected officials. It was wonderful to see them in a small setting. Often there was an opportunity to speak with officials after the meeting. At the very least, it was an opportunity to make some new friends that resided in another town in Texas.
It was a wonderful experience. I recommend everyone attend a National Convention at least once in their lifetime.
Cindy Bond
Alternate Delegate Guest
Fort Bend County Texas